
D97: Gruenfeld, Russian variation with e4

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Qb3 dxc4 6. Qxc4 O-O 7. e4

Gruenfeld, Russian variation with e4

D97 Sub-variants:


Games on Database: 3851
Last Played: Feb 2025
Overall score:
36.2% 38.3% 25.5%

Played frequently by:

Ivan Farago 51 games
Zdenko Kozul 46 games
Gennadi Sosonko 46 games
Peter Svidler 32 games
Lubomir Ftacnik 31 games
Vlastimil Jansa 24 games

Possible continuations:

7... a6  1178
33.4 % 40.5 % 26.1 %
7... Na6  805
37.8 % 36 % 26.2 %
7... Bg4  648
34.1 % 40.3 % 25.6 %
7... Nc6  580
35.5 % 39.8 % 24.7 %
7... c6  325
44 % 34.5 % 21.5 %
7... Nfd7  168
38.1 % 31 % 31 %
7... Be6  65
27.7 % 36.9 % 35.4 %
7... b6  38
57.9 % 26.3 % 15.8 %
7... Nbd7  35
57.1 % 37.1 %
7... e6  3
33.3 % 33.3 % 33.3 %
7... c5  2
100 %
7... e5  2
100 %