Andre, G |
Budde, M |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
D30 Queen's gambit declined |
Baerwinkel, T |
Hutsch, T |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
A02 Bird's opening |
Barron, P |
Brandt, S |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
E94 King's Indian, orthodox variation |
Bollmann, H |
Armbruster, A |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
A05 Reti opening |
Bolten, D |
Graefe, S |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
D35 Queen's Gambit Declined, 3...Nf6 |
Breder, D |
Barisch, F |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
B65 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer, Rauzer attack, 7...Be7 defence, 9...Nxd4 |
Breitfeld, M |
Christ, M |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
D35 Queen's Gambit Declined, 3...Nf6 |
Christ, M |
Schwarz, H |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
B20 Sicilian defence |
Dehne, M |
Belz, C |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
C05 French, Tarrasch, closed variation |
Dodel, M |
Brockmann, U |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
D52 Queen's Gambit Declined |
Dunkel, A |
Grundt, M |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
D52 Queen's Gambit Declined |
Eilers, L |
Sieber, S |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
E81 King's Indian, Saemisch, 5...O-O |
Erdell, C |
Scholze, M |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
B98 Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 |
Foertsch, M |
Keller, T |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
D35 Queen's Gambit Declined, 3...Nf6 |
Gahr, M |
Byrne, P |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
B32 Sicilian defence |
Granseier, J |
Grebien, D |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
C41 Philidor's defence |
Heinze, A |
Gerstmann, F |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
B22 Sicilian, Alapin's variation (2.c3) |
Kaestner, S |
Schadowski, N |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
B88 Sicilian, Sozin, Leonhardt variation |
Lange, C |
Hess, D |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Lochbrunner, J |
Bauer, M |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
A38 English, symmetrical variation |
Meier, T |
Hartleif, S |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
A03 Bird's opening |
Muzdalo, D |
Schumacher, D |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
B08 Pirc, classical (two knights) system |
Pinel, M |
Hagmaier, M |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Platz, T |
Heidel, N |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
E61 King's Indian defence, 3.Nc3 |
Podak, M |
Werner, N |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
C15 French, Winawer (Nimzovich) variation |
Podhorsky, R |
Jungbluth, S |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
C55 Two knights defence |
Popkirova, K |
Labicki, A |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
C50 King's pawn game |
Salzberg, G |
Kellermann, C |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
B07 Pirc defence |
Schaaf, R |
Bienert, R |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
D36 Queen's Gambit Declined, exchange, positional line, 6.Qc2 |
Spillecke, T |
Wisnewski, C |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
B02 Alekhine's defence |
Strobel, T |
Niekisch, D |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
A36 English, symmetrical variation |
Thieme, S |
Koelln, R |
½-½  |
1 |
1994 |
C64 Ruy Lopez, classical (Cordel) defence |
Tran Phuc, K |
Bange, T |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
C50 King's pawn game |
Umpfenbach, C |
Hess, D |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
C14 French, classical variation |
Urbanczyk, C |
Taeufer, S |
1-0  |
1 |
1994 |
C41 Philidor's defence |
Weber, S |
Biebinger, H |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
E61 King's Indian defence, 3.Nc3 |
Zovak, M |
Strumpf, H |
0-1  |
1 |
1994 |
B11 Caro-Kann, two knights, 3...Bg4 |
Bange, T |
Lange, C |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
D35 Queen's Gambit Declined, 3...Nf6 |
Barisch, F |
Umpfenbach, C |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
A84 Dutch defence |
Bauer, M |
Popkirova, K |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
B08 Pirc, classical (two knights) system |
Baumgart, S |
Dunkel, A |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
E12 Queen's Indian defence |
Becker, M |
Lochbrunner, J |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
D10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav defence |
Belz, C |
Dodel, M |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
A34 English, symmetrical variation |
Biebinger, H |
Bienert, R |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
C47 Four knights, Scotch variation |
Brandt, S |
Andre, G |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
B13 Caro-Kann, exchange variation |
Brockmann, U |
Dehne, M |
½-½  |
2 |
1994 |
B00 King's pawn opening |
Byrne, P |
Thieme, S |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
A34 English, symmetrical variation |
Gerstmann, F |
Breitfeld, M |
½-½  |
2 |
1994 |
A07 Reti, King's Indian attack (Barcza system) |
Graefe, S |
Muzdalo, D |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
C41 Philidor's defence |
Grundt, M |
Lukas, S |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
B84 Sicilian, Scheveningen (Paulsen), classical variation |
Hagmaier, M |
Janz, F |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
B22 Sicilian, Alapin's variation (2.c3) |
Hartleif, S |
Podhorsky, R |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
B00 King's pawn opening |
Hartnick, T |
Granseier, J |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
C02 French, advance variation |
Heidel, N |
Urbanczyk, C |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
A59 Benko gambit, 7.e4 |
Heinze, A |
Baerwinkel, T |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
A40 Queen's pawn |
Hess, C |
Koehler, M |
½-½  |
2 |
1994 |
C34 King's gambit accepted |
Hess, D |
Breder, D |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
B44 Sicilian defence |
Hutsch, T |
Schaaf, R |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
C02 French, advance variation |
Jungbluth, S |
Meier, T |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
C47 Four knights, Scotch variation |
Keller, T |
Erdell, C |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
D78 Neo-Gruenfeld, 6.O-O c6 |
Kellermann, C |
Weber, S |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
D38 Queen's Gambit Declined, Ragozin variation |
Koelln, R |
Gahr, M |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Neeb, T |
Barron, P |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
B07 Pirc defence |
Neumann, A |
Neumann, T |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
A00 Polish (Sokolsky) opening |
Niekisch, D |
Spillecke, T |
½-½  |
2 |
1994 |
A00 Polish (Sokolsky) opening |
Pohlenz, H |
Pinel, M |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
D80 Gruenfeld defence |
Schadowski, N |
Budde, M |
½-½  |
2 |
1994 |
D04 Queen's pawn game |
Scholze, M |
Foertsch, M |
½-½  |
2 |
1994 |
B50 Sicilian |
Schumacher, D |
Bolten, D |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Schwarz, H |
Podak, M |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
A26 English, closed system |
Sieber, S |
Bollmann, H |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
B42 Sicilian, Kan, 5.Bd3 |
Strumpf, H |
Kaestner, S |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
A00 Polish (Sokolsky) opening |
Taeufer, S |
Platz, T |
½-½  |
2 |
1994 |
B30 Sicilian defence |
Wisnewski, C |
Strobel, T |
1-0  |
2 |
1994 |
B21 Sicilian, Grand Prix attack |
Wisura, T |
Platz, R |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
C57 Two knights defence |
Zovak, M |
Eilers, L |
0-1  |
2 |
1994 |
B51 Sicilian, Canal-Sokolsky (Nimzovich-Rossolimo, Moscow) attack |
Andre, G |
Koelln, R |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
D07 Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin defence |
Baerwinkel, T |
Hagmaier, M |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
A03 Bird's opening |
Barron, P |
Kellermann, C |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
A85 Dutch with c4 & Nc3 |
Bienert, R |
Kaestner, S |
½-½  |
3 |
1994 |
B21 Sicilian, Grand Prix attack |
Bollmann, H |
Wisnewski, C |
0-1  |
3 |
1994 |
A05 Reti opening |
Bolten, D |
Jungbluth, S |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
A16 English opening |
Brandt, S |
Salzberg, G |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
C13 French, classical |
Christ, M |
Bauer, M |
½-½  |
3 |
1994 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Dehne, M |
Scholze, M |
½-½  |
3 |
1994 |
B90 Sicilian, Najdorf |
Dodel, M |
Niekisch, D |
½-½  |
3 |
1994 |
A46 Queen's pawn game |
Eilers, L |
Gerstmann, F |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
B06 Robatsch (modern) defence |
Erdell, C |
Belz, C |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
C05 French, Tarrasch, closed variation |
Foertsch, M |
Breitfeld, M |
0-1  |
3 |
1994 |
E87 King's Indian, Saemisch, orthodox, 7.d5 |
Gahr, M |
Biebinger, H |
0-1  |
3 |
1994 |
B28 Sicilian, O'Kelly variation |
Granseier, J |
Koehler, M |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
B17 Caro-Kann, Steinitz variation |
Hutsch, T |
Barisch, F |
½-½  |
3 |
1994 |
A85 Dutch with c4 & Nc3 |
Janz, F |
Strumpf, H |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
B12 Caro-Kann defence |
Keller, T |
Brockmann, U |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
A33 English, symmetrical variation |
Labicki, A |
Budde, M |
0-1  |
3 |
1994 |
C44 King's pawn game |
Lochbrunner, J |
Grebien, D |
0-1  |
3 |
1994 |
A03 Bird's opening |
Lukas, S |
Becker, M |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
E91 King's Indian, 6.Be2 |
Meier, T |
Byrne, P |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
C57 Two knights defence |
Muzdalo, D |
Weber, S |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
C02 French, advance variation |
Pinel, M |
Taeufer, S |
1-0  |
3 |
1994 |
C41 Philidor's defence |