Avram, I |
Freiburghaus, E |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
C02 French, advance variation |
Barbic, Z |
Kroekel, B |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Buergy, I |
Dittler, V |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
B30 Sicilian defence |
Cuenod, T |
Fiala, M |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
B06 Robatsch (modern) defence |
Denzinger, K |
Reust, E |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
C50 King's pawn game |
Dietrich, M |
Schaad, P |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
E90 King's Indian, 5.Nf3 |
Ernst, H |
Kobler, M |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
D88 Gruenfeld, Spassky variation, main line, 10...cd, 11.cd |
Faust, H |
Meier, H |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
B85 Sicilian, Scheveningen, classical variation with ...Qc7 and ...Nc6 |
Freiburghaus, S |
Kuehl, R |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
D05 Queen's pawn game |
Giezendanner, J |
Schneuwly, A |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
B06 Robatsch (modern) defence |
Gutscher, C |
Karl, H |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
C78 Ruy Lopez, 5.O-O |
Habibi, A |
Eschle, H |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
E60 King's Indian defence |
Hesse, J |
Danz, R |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
C06 French, Tarrasch, closed variation, main line |
Kuehl, T |
Mottas, C |
½-½  |
1 |
1998 |
D58 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) system |
Ludwig, S |
Meili, M |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
B00 King's pawn opening |
Mack, T |
Hoecker, H |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
B99 Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 main line |
Mauerhofer, A |
Maier, G |
½-½  |
1 |
1998 |
A45 Queen's pawn game |
Mauerhofer, M |
Ziger, S |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
C06 French, Tarrasch, closed variation, main line |
Maurer, F |
Studer, K |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
A82 Dutch, Staunton gambit |
Reichel, I |
Mueller, L |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
A84 Dutch defence |
Ruhle, E |
Hauser, R |
0-1  |
1 |
1998 |
A00 Polish (Sokolsky) opening |
Schmid, S |
Gurtner, S |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
B73 Sicilian, dragon, classical, 8.O-O |
Schweizer, R |
Gruber, J |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
B32 Sicilian defence |
Vulevic, V |
Kunz, H |
1-0  |
1 |
1998 |
B30 Sicilian defence |
Walser, H |
Jost, G |
½-½  |
1 |
1998 |
D12 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 4.e3 Bf5 |
Danz, R |
Dietrich, M |
1-0  |
2 |
1998 |
D10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav defence |
Denzinger, K |
Ernst, H |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
C40 King's knight opening |
Dittler, V |
Mauerhofer, M |
½-½  |
2 |
1998 |
A80 Dutch |
Eschle, H |
Avram, I |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
C65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin defence |
Fiala, M |
Faust, H |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
B25 Sicilian, closed |
Freiburghaus, E |
Habibi, A |
½-½  |
2 |
1998 |
B26 Sicilian, closed, 6.Be3 |
Gruber, J |
Gutscher, C |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
B10 Caro-Kann defence |
Gurtner, S |
Reichel, I |
½-½  |
2 |
1998 |
A58 Benko gambit accepted |
Hauser, R |
Vulevic, V |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
B28 Sicilian, O'Kelly variation |
Hoecker, H |
Barbic, Z |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
A23 English, Bremen system, Keres variation |
Jost, G |
Maier, G |
½-½  |
2 |
1998 |
A24 English, Bremen system with ...g6 |
Karl, H |
Schweizer, R |
1-0  |
2 |
1998 |
E10 Queen's pawn game |
Kobler, M |
Reust, E |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
E43 Nimzo-Indian, Fischer variation |
Kroekel, B |
Mack, T |
1-0  |
2 |
1998 |
A13 English opening |
Kuehl, R |
Maurer, F |
1-0  |
2 |
1998 |
B83 Sicilian, Scheveningen, 6.Be2 |
Kuehl, T |
Mauerhofer, A |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
A52 Budapest defence |
Kunz, H |
Ruhle, E |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
A09 Reti opening |
Meier, H |
Freiburghaus, S |
1-0  |
2 |
1998 |
D58 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) system |
Meili, M |
Giezendanner, J |
1-0  |
2 |
1998 |
A02 Bird's opening |
Mottas, C |
Walser, H |
1-0  |
2 |
1998 |
C42 Petrov's defence |
Mueller, L |
Schmid, S |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
B59 Sicilian, Boleslavsky variation, 7.Nb3 |
Schaad, P |
Hesse, J |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
A05 Reti opening |
Schneuwly, A |
Ludwig, S |
0-1  |
2 |
1998 |
B15 Caro-Kann defence |
Studer, K |
Cuenod, T |
1-0  |
2 |
1998 |
C34 King's gambit accepted |
Ziger, S |
Buergy, I |
*  |
2 |
1998 |
A44 Old Benoni defence |
Avram, I |
Mueller, L |
0-1  |
3 |
1998 |
B72 Sicilian, dragon, 6.Be3 |
Barbic, Z |
Denzinger, K |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
C14 French, classical variation |
Buergy, I |
Meier, H |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
B85 Sicilian, Scheveningen, classical variation with ...Qc7 and ...Nc6 |
Cuenod, T |
Eschle, H |
0-1  |
3 |
1998 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Dietrich, M |
Kobler, M |
½-½  |
3 |
1998 |
D85 Gruenfeld, exchange variation |
Faust, H |
Kuehl, R |
0-1  |
3 |
1998 |
B24 Sicilian, closed |
Fiala, M |
Kuehl, T |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
B26 Sicilian, closed, 6.Be3 |
Freiburghaus, S |
Gruber, J |
0-1  |
3 |
1998 |
D02 Queen's pawn game |
Giezendanner, J |
Hoecker, H |
½-½  |
3 |
1998 |
B76 Sicilian, dragon, Yugoslav attack, 7...O-O |
Gurtner, S |
Dittler, V |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
D55 Queen's Gambit Declined, 6.Nf3 |
Gutscher, C |
Hauser, R |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
B01 Scandinavian (centre counter) defence |
Habibi, A |
Mauerhofer, A |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
A41 Queen's Pawn |
Hesse, J |
Ziger, S |
0-1  |
3 |
1998 |
C06 French, Tarrasch, closed variation, main line |
Ludwig, S |
Ernst, H |
½-½  |
3 |
1998 |
B10 Caro-Kann defence |
Mack, T |
Studer, K |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
E81 King's Indian, Saemisch, 5...O-O |
Maier, G |
Meili, M |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
A85 Dutch with c4 & Nc3 |
Mauerhofer, M |
Kunz, H |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
B34 Sicilian, accelerated fianchetto, exchange variation |
Maurer, F |
Danz, R |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
E81 King's Indian, Saemisch, 5...O-O |
Mottas, C |
Freiburghaus, E |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
C19 French, Winawer, advance, 6...Ne7 |
Reichel, I |
Walser, H |
0-1  |
3 |
1998 |
D02 Queen's pawn game |
Reust, E |
Schneuwly, A |
0-1  |
3 |
1998 |
B24 Sicilian, closed |
Ruhle, E |
Schaad, P |
0-1  |
3 |
1998 |
A00 Polish (Sokolsky) opening |
Schmid, S |
Karl, H |
½-½  |
3 |
1998 |
C68 Ruy Lopez, exchange variation |
Schweizer, R |
Jost, G |
1-0  |
3 |
1998 |
B66 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer, Rauzer attack, 7...a6 |
Vulevic, V |
Kroekel, B |
½-½  |
3 |
1998 |
A07 Reti, King's Indian attack (Barcza system) |
Barbic, Z |
Gutscher, C |
0-1  |
4 |
1998 |
B17 Caro-Kann, Steinitz variation |
Danz, R |
Ruhle, E |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
E62 King's Indian, fianchetto variation |
Dittler, V |
Giezendanner, J |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
D05 Queen's pawn game |
Ernst, H |
Schmid, S |
0-1  |
4 |
1998 |
D06 Queen's Gambit |
Eschle, H |
Denzinger, K |
0-1  |
4 |
1998 |
C06 French, Tarrasch, closed variation, main line |
Freiburghaus, S |
Cuenod, T |
0-1  |
4 |
1998 |
D38 Queen's Gambit Declined, Ragozin variation |
Gruber, J |
Meili, M |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
C00 French defence |
Hoecker, H |
Dietrich, M |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
A15 English, 1...Nf6 (Anglo-Indian defense) |
Karl, H |
Habibi, A |
0-1  |
4 |
1998 |
A43 Old Benoni defence |
Kobler, M |
Kuehl, T |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
A56 Benoni defence |
Kroekel, B |
Mottas, C |
½-½  |
4 |
1998 |
E17 Queen's Indian, 5.Bg2 Be7 |
Kunz, H |
Reichel, I |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
A34 English, symmetrical variation |
Mack, T |
Schweizer, R |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
A58 Benko gambit accepted |
Maier, G |
Maurer, F |
0-1  |
4 |
1998 |
A48 King's Indian, East Indian defence |
Mauerhofer, A |
Gurtner, S |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
E81 King's Indian, Saemisch, 5...O-O |
Mauerhofer, M |
Fiala, M |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
B07 Pirc defence |
Meier, H |
Hauser, R |
½-½  |
4 |
1998 |
D55 Queen's Gambit Declined, 6.Nf3 |
Mueller, L |
Hesse, J |
½-½  |
4 |
1998 |
C55 Two knights defence |
Reust, E |
Avram, I |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
C64 Ruy Lopez, classical (Cordel) defence |
Schaad, P |
Buergy, I |
½-½  |
4 |
1998 |
B25 Sicilian, closed |
Schneuwly, A |
Faust, H |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
D10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav defence |
Studer, K |
Jost, G |
0-1  |
4 |
1998 |
B38 Sicilian, accelerated fianchetto, Maroczy bind, 6.Be3 |
Vulevic, V |
Ludwig, S |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
E61 King's Indian defence, 3.Nc3 |
Walser, H |
Freiburghaus, E |
0-1  |
4 |
1998 |
A84 Dutch defence |
Ziger, S |
Kuehl, R |
1-0  |
4 |
1998 |
D03 Torre attack (Tartakower variation) |